Executive Committee 2023 - 2024
Department of Zoology and Environmental
Management, University of Kelaniya,
Sri Lanka
Email: sudeshr@kln.ac.lk
Tel. 0776444161
Dr. S. Gonapinuwala
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries,
Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
071 812 9711
Dr. WS Weerakkody
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology
University of Ruhuna
076 105 1954
International Union of Conservation
Of Nature, Sri Lanka Office, Battaramulla,
Sri Lanka. (shamen.vidanage@iucn.org)
Inland Aquatic Resources and Aquaculture
Division, National Aquatic Resources
Research And Development Agency,
Sri Lanka. (akumara@nara.ac.lk)
Tel: 0716370630
Marine Biology Resources Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research
and Development Agency, Sri Lanka.
Tel. 0714415788
Marine Biological Resources Division,
National Aquatic Resources
Research And Development Agency
071 559 7638
Marine Biology Resources Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research
and Development Agency, Sri Lanka.
Tel. 0718015864
Department of Aquaculture and Seafood Technology
Ocean University of Sri Lanka
071 658 3806
Department of Coastal and Marine Resources Management
Ocean University of Sri Lanka
077 348 1487
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology
University of Ruhuna
071 608 3953
Past Executive Committee Members
Dr. R.P.P.K. Jayasinghe
Marine Biology Resources Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research
and Development Agency, Sri Lanka.
Tel. 0714415788
Vice President
Dr. (Mrs.) H.A.C.C.Perera
Department of Zoology and
Environmental Management
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Tel. 0718389539
Joint Secretary
Dr. A. A. Sujeewa Athukoorala
Marine Biology Resources Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research
and Development Agency, Sri Lanka.
Tel. 0718015864
Joint Secretary
Mr. K.M. Sudesh Ruvinda
Department of Zoology and Environmental
Management, University of Kelaniya,
Sri Lanka Email: (sudeshr@kln.ac.lk)
Tel. 0776444161
Mr. P. A. D. A. Kumara
Inland Aquatic Resources and Aquaculture
Division, National Aquatic Resources
Research And Development Agency,
Sri Lanka.
Tel: 0716370630
Executive Committee members:
Dr Shamen P. Vidanage
Executive Committee Member
International Union of Conservation
Of Nature, Sri Lanka Office, Battaramulla,
Sri Lanka.
Dr. G.A.H.S. Chathuranga
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Sri Lanka. (harsha@wyb.ac.lk)
Prof. A.R.S.B. Athauda Athauda
Department of Animal Science,
Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Mrs. Sutharshiny Sathyaruban
Department of Fisheries Science, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
Email: ssutharshi@univ.jfn.ac.lk
Mr. P. A. D. A. Kumara
Executive Committee Member
Inland Aquatic Resources and Aquaculture division, National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency, Crow Island, Colombo 15, Sri Lanka
Email: akumara@nara.ac.lk, ajithkumaranara@gmail.com
H.S.C. Galkanda-Arachchige
Data Modeling,
Research & Development Specialist,
Wittaya Aqua International, Toronto,
ON, Canada.
Dr. Shamen Vidanage IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
Sri Lanka Country Office, Sri Lanka
Email: shamenpv@gmail.com
Tel. 0701911987
Vice President
Prof. D.C.T. Dissanayake
Department of Zoology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
Email (chamari@sjp.ac.lk )
Email chamari@sjp.ac.lk
Tel. 0718438341
Joint Secretary
Ms. R. D.N. Wijesinghe
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture,
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
Tel. 0716083953
Joint Secretary
Mr. K.M. Sudesh Ruvinda
Department of Zoology and Environmental
Management, University of Kelaniya,
Sri Lanka Email: (sudeshr@kln.ac.lk)
Tel. 0776444161
Dr. G.A.H.S. Chathuranga
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Sri Lanka, (harsha@wyb.ac.lk)
Tel. 0772957494
Executive Committee members:
Prof. M.G. Kularatne
Department of Economics, University of
Kelaniya, Sri Lanka kuleecon@kln.ac.lk
Prof. A.R.S.B. Athauda
Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Dr Sanchala Gallage
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Sri Lanka,
Mrs. Sutharshiny Sathyaruban
Department of Fisheries Science, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
Email: ssutharshi@univ.jfn.ac.lk
Mr. P. A. D. A. Kumara
Executive Committee Member
Inland Aquatic Resources and Aquaculture division, National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency, Crow Island, Colombo 15, Sri Lanka
Email: akumara@nara.ac.lk, ajithkumaranara@gmail.com
Dr. A. A. Sujeewa H. Athukoorala
Marine Biology Resources division, National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency, Crow Island, Colombo 15, Sri Lanka
Prof. K.H.M. Ashoka Deepananda
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture,
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
Tel. 0718613477
Vice President
Dr Shamen Vidanage
Department of Zoology and Environmental
Management,University of Kelaniya,
Sri Lanka, (shamenpv@kln.ac.lk)
Tel. 0112914479
Joint Secretary
Ms. R. D.N. Wijesinghe
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture,
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
Tel. 0716083953
Joint Secretary
Mr. K.M. Sudesh Ruvinda
Department of Zoology and Environmental
Management, University of Kelaniya,
Sri Lanka Email: (sudeshr@kln.ac.lk)
Tel. 0776444161
Dr. G.A.H.S. Chathuranga
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Sri Lanka, (harsha@wyb.ac.lk)
Tel. 0772957494
Executive Committee members:
Dr. D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka
Department of Zoology, Open University
of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
Ms. A.S.L.E. Corea
National Aquatic Resources Research and
Development Agency, Colombo 15,
Sri Lanka
Prof. A.R.S.B. Athauda
Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Dr Sanchala Gallage
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Sri Lanka,
Prof. M.G. Kularatne
Department of Economics, University of
Kelaniya, Sri Lanka kuleecon@kln.ac.lk
Dr. W.A.A.D. Lanka Wickramasinghe
Department of Aquaculture and Seafood
Technology, Ocean University, Sri Lanka
Dr. D.D.G.L. Dahanayake
Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural
Sciences, Open University of Sri Lanka
(dddah@ou.ac.lk) Tel. 0713629605
Vice President:
Prof. K.H.M. Ashoka Deepananda
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture,
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences
& Technology, University of Ruhuna
(ashoka@fish.ruh.ac.lk) Tel. 0718613477
Joint Secretary:
Dr. (Mrs.) H.A.C.C.Perera
Department of Zoology and
Environmental Management
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
(chinthap@kln.ac.lk)Tel. 0718389539
Joint Secretary:
Faculty of Fisheries and OceanSciences,
Ocean University of Sri Lanka
Ms. A.S.L.E. Corea
National Aquatic Resources Research and
Development Agency, Colombo 15,
Sri Lanka (scorea@nara.ac.lk)
Tel. 0719353621
Executive Committee members:
Prof. M.G. Kularatne
Department of Economics, University of
Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (kule_econ@kln.ac.lk)
Tel. 0716882284
Prof. U.S. Amarasinghe
Department of Zoology and
Environmental Management
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
(zoousa@kln.ac.lk) Tel.0779646045
Prof. (Ms.)P.R.T. Cumaranatunga
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture,
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences
& Technology, University of Ruhuna
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries
Faculty of Livestock Fisheries & Nutrition
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Tel. 0718129770
Dr Dileepa de Croos
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries
Faculty of Livestock Fisheries & Nutrition
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Department of Zoology and
Environmental Management
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
(shamenpv@kln.ac.lk)Tel. 0701911987
Prof. M.G. Kularatne
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Kelaniya,
Vice President:
Dr. D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka
Department of Zoology
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
Joint Secretary:
Dr. H.A.C.C. Perera
Department of Zoology
Faculty Sciences
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya.
Joint Secretary:
K.G.S. Nirbadha
nstitute of Post-Harvest Technology
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA)
Ms. A.S.L.E. Corea
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Executive Committee Members:
Dr. A. D Jayasinghe
Department of Limnology and Water Technology
University of Ruhuna
Wellamadama, Matara
Prof. P.R.T. Cumaranatunga
University of Ruhuna
Wellamadama, Matara
Prof. U.S Amarasinghe
Department of Zoology and Environmental Management
Faculty of Science
University of Kelaniya, zoousa@kln.ac.lk
Prof. (Mrs.) M. Amarasinghe
Department of Plant and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Science
University of Kelaniya
Prof. (Mrs.) Suneetha Gunawickrama
Department of Zoology
University of Ruhuna
Mr. Ishara Rathnasuriya
Faculty of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Ocean University of Sri Lanka
Mahawela Rd
Dr. U. Asanka D. Jayasinghe
Department of Limnology and Water Technology
University of Ruhuna
Wellamadama, Matara
Vice President:
Dr. M.G. Kularatne
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Kelaniya,
Joint Secretary:
Dr. D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka
Department of Zoology
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
Joint Secretary:
Dr. K.H.M. Ashoka Deepananda
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology
University of Ruhuna
Wellamadama, Matara
Ms. A.S.L.E. Corea
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Executive Committee Members:
Dr. W.M.D.N. Wijeyaratne
Department of Zoology & Environmental Management,
University of Kelaniya,
Dr. D.C.T. Dissanayake
Department of Zoology
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Gangodawila, Nugegoda.
Dr. W.M.H.K. Wijenayake
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP).
Dr. M.D.S.T. De Croos
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP)
Mr. Ishara Rathnasuriya
Marine Biological Resources Division
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA),
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Dr. U. Asanka D. Jayasinghe
Department of Limnology and Water Technology
University of Ruhuna
Wellamadama, Matara
Vice President:
Dr. M.G. Kularatne
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Kelaniya,
Joint Secretary:
Dr. D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka
Department of Zoology
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
Joint Secretary:
Dr. K.H.M. Ashoka Deepananda
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology
University of Ruhuna
Wellamadama, Matara
Ms. A.S.L.E. Corea
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Executive Committee Members:
Dr. W.M.D.N. Wijeyaratne
Department of Zoology & Environmental Management,
University of Kelaniya,
Dr. D.C.T. Dissanayake
Department of Zoology
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Gangodawila, Nugegoda.
Dr. W.M.H.K. Wijenayake
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP).
Dr. M.D.S.T. De Croos
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP)
Mr. Ishara Rathnasuriya
Marine Biological Resources Division
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA),
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
President :
Dr. D.C.T. Dissanayake
Department of Zoology,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura,
Gangodawila, Nugegoda.
Vice President:
Dr. W.M.D.N. Wijeyaratne
Department of Zoology & Environmental Management,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya.
Joint Secretary:
Dr. M.G.I.S. Parakrama
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development
Agency (NARA), Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Joint Secretary:
Dr. R.P.P.K. Jayasinghe
Marine Biological Resources Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development
Agency (NARA), Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Treasurer :
Dr. W.M.H.K. Wijenayake
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP).
Executive Committee Members:
Dr. M.D.S.T. De Croos
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP).
Dr. M.D.M.D.W.M.M.K. Yatawara
Department of Zoology & Environmental Management,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya.
Dr. W. Rajapakshe
Regional Research Center
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development
Agency (NARA), Rekawa.
Dr. U. Asanka D. Jayasinghe,
Department of Limnology and Water Technology,
University of Ruhuna,
Wellamadama, Matara (81000).
Mr. P.A.D. Ajith Kumara
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development
Agency (NARA), Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Ms. A.A.S.H. Athukorala
Marine Biological Resources Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development
Agency (NARA), Crow Island, Colombo 15.
President :
Dr. D.C.T. Dissanayake
Department of Zoology,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura,
Gangodawila, Nugegoda.
Vice President:
Dr. W.M.D.N. Wijeyaratne
Department of Zoology & Environmental Management,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya.
Joint Secretary:
Dr. M.G.I.S. Parakrama
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development
Agency (NARA), Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Joint Secretary:
Dr. R.P.P.K. Jayasinghe
Marine Biological Resources Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development
Agency (NARA), Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Treasurer :
Dr. W.M.H.K. Wijenayake
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP).
Executive Committee Members:
Dr. M.D.S.T. De Croos
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP).
Dr. M.D.M.D.W.M.M.K. Yatawara
Department of Zoology & Environmental Management,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya.
Dr. W. Rajapakshe
Regional Research Center
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development
Agency (NARA), Rekawa.
Dr. U. Asanka D. Jayasinghe,
Department of Limnology and Water Technology,
University of Ruhuna,
Wellamadama, Matara (81000).
Mr. P.A.D. Ajith Kumara
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development
Agency (NARA), Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Ms. A.A.S.H. Athukorala
Marine Biological Resources Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development
Agency (NARA), Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Dr. M.D.S.T. de Croos
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Makandura,
Gonawila (NWP)
Vice President:
Dr. U.P.K. Epa
Department of Zoology & Environmental Management,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Joint Secretary:
Dr. G.A.S.M. Ganehiarachchi
Department of Zoology & Environmental Management,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Joint Secretary:
Dr. M.D.M.D.W.M.M.K. Yatawara
Department of Zoology & Environmental Management,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Treasurer :
Prof. W.U. Chandrasekara
Department of Zoology & Environmental Management,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Executive Committee Members:
Prof. W.M.T.B. Wanninayake 44,
Castle Street, Borella Colombo -08
Dr. M.G.I.S. Parakrama
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency
Crow Island,Colombo 15
Dr. W.M.D.N. Wijayaratne
Department of Zoology & Environmental Management,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Dr. D.C.T Dissanayake
Department of Zoology,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Dr. S.R. Krishnaraja
Department of Zoology Open University,
Sri Lanka, Nawala
Mrs. Shymali Weerasekara Environmental Studies Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,Colombo 15.
Dr. M.D.S.T. de Croos
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Makandura, Gonawila (NWP)
Vice President:
Prof. W.M.T.B. Wanninayake 44, Castle Street, Borella Colombo -08
Joint Secretary :
Dr. G.A.S.M. Ganehiarachchi
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Joint Secretary:
Dr. M.D.M.D.W.M.M.K. Yatawara Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
(from Jan 2014 – May 2014)
Joint Secretary:
Ms. R.M.G.N. Thilakarathna
Department of Oceanography and Marine
Geology Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology
University of Ruhuna, Matara (81000),
(from May 2013 – December 2014)
Prof. W.U. Chandrasekara Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Executive Committee Members:
Dr. W.M.H.K. Wijenayake
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Makandura, Gonawila (NWP)
Dr. S.R. Krishnaraja
Department of Zoology Open University,
Sri Lanka, Nawala
Dr. M.G.I.S. Parakrama
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency
Crow Island, Colombo 15
Mrs. J.M. Asoka Director
(Coastal Aquaculture Development) National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri Lanka,
No. 41/1, New Parliament Rd, Pelawatte, Battaramulla
Mrs. P.P.M. Heenatigala
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Mrs. Shymali Weerasekara Environmental Studies Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Dr. W.M.H.K. Wijenayake
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Makandura, Gonawila (NWP)
Vice President:
Dr. M.D.S.T. de Croos
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Makandura, Gonawila (NWP)
Joint Secretary:
Dr. G.A.S.M. Ganehiarachchi
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Joint Secretary:
Ms. R.M.G.N. Thilakarathna
Department of Oceanography and Marine Geology
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology University of Ruhuna,
Matara (81000),
Dr. W.U.
Chandrasekara Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Executive Committee Members:
Dr. (Mrs.) S. Jayakody
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Makandura, Gonawila (NWP)
Dr. M.N.M. Fouzi
Department of Farm Animal Production & Health Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science
University of Peradeniya Peradeniya
Ms. A.S.L.E. Corea
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15
Mrs. J.M. Asoka Director
(Coastal Aquaculture Development) National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri Lanka,
No. 41/1, New Parliament Rd, Pelawatte, Battaramulla
Mrs. K. Hewapathirana
Fisheries Biologist Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Maligawatta Colombo 10
Dr. (Mrs.) S. Jayakody
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries Wayamba
University of Sri Lanka Makandura,
Gonawila (NWP)
Vice President:
Dr. W.M.H.K Wijenayake Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Makandura,
Gonawila (NWP)
Joint Secretary:
Dr. G.A.S.M. Ganehiarachchi Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Joint Secretary:
Ms. A.S.L.E. Corea
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15
Dr. H.M.P. Kithsiri
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15
Executive Committee Members:
Dr. WU Chandrasekara Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Dr. Mangala Yatawara
Department of Zoology, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya
Dr. M.G.I.S. Parakrama
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15
Ms. R.M.G.N. Thilakarathna
Department of Oceanography and Marine Geology
University of Ruhuna, Matara
Ms. J.M. Asoka
National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri Lanka 1/1 New Parliament Road,
Pelawatte Battaramulla
Mrs. K. Hewapathirana
Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Maligawatta,
Colombo 10
Prof. E. I. L. Silva
30/62 Lewella Road,
Vice President:
Dr. U.P.K. Epa
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Joint Secretary :
Dr. M.M.M. Najim
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Joint Secretary:
Mr. Ananda Athukorala
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island ,
Colombo 15.
Dr. H. M. P. Kithsiri
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island ,
Colombo 15.
Executive Committee Members:
Prof. U. S. Amarasinghe
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Ms. M.C.L. Zoysa
National Institute of Fisheries and Fisheries and Nautical Engineering,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Mr. U. A. D. Jayasinghe
Deparment of Limnology,
University of Ruhuna,
Ms. A. S. L. E. Corea
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Dr.(Mrs.) S. Jayakody
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Gonawila( NWP)
Ms. K. B. C. Pushpalatha
National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri Lanka,
1/1 New Parliament Road,
Prof. E. I. L. Silva
30/62 Lewella Road,
Vice President:
Dr. U.P.K. Epa
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Joint Secretary :
Dr. M.M.M. Najim
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Joint Secretary:
Mr. Ananda Athukorala
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island ,
Colombo 15.
Dr. H. M. P. Kithsiri
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island ,
Colombo 15.
Executive Committee Members:
Prof. U. S. Amarasinghe
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Ms. M.C.L. Zoysa
National Institute of Fisheries and Fisheries and Nautical Engineering,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Mr. U. A. D. Jayasinghe
Deparment of Limnology,
University of Ruhuna,
Ms. A. S. L. E. Corea
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Dr.(Mrs.) S. Jayakody
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Gonawila( NWP)
Ms. K. B. C. Pushpalatha
National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri Lanka,
1/1 New Parliament Road,
Dr. K. Arulanthan
Oceanography Division
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Vice President:
Prof. W.M.T.B. Wanninayake
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP).
Joint Secretary:
Mr. Ajith Gunaratne
Information Technology Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Joint Secretary:
Mr. Ananda Athukorala
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island ,
Colombo 15.
(October , 2007 to June 2008)
Joint Secretary :
Dr. C. Nissanka
Department of Limnology,
Faculty of Fisheries,Marine Science & Technology,
University of Ruhuna,
(June,2007 to August, 2007)
Mr. Nimal Chandraratne
National Aquaculture Development Authority,
No.758, Baseline Road, Colombo 09
Executive Committee Members:
Prof. U. S. Amarasinghe
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Prof. Ivan Silva
Institute of Fundamental Studies Hantana,
(June 2007 to November 2007)
Dr. U. P. K. Epa
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Dr. J. W.Rupasinghe
Department of Fisheries Biology,
University of Ruhuna,
Mr. A. Hettiarchchi
90/1/8 Mihindu Place,
Mr. D. D. G. L. Dahanayake
National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri Lanka,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
(November 2007 to June 2008).
Miss. Sharmalee Senadheera
National Institute of Fisheries & Nautical Engineering,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Mr. A. Hettiarachchi
Ministry of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources,
5th Floor,
New Secretariat,
Colombo 10
Vice President:
Prof. W.M.T.B. Wanninayake
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP).
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Terney Pradeep Kumara
Department of Fisheries Biology,
University of Ruhuna,
Joint Secretary:
Mr. Ajith Gunaratne
Information Technology Division National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island ,
Colombo 15.
Dr. U. P. K. Epa
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Executive Committee Members:
Prof. Asoka Pathiratne
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Dr. Kamal Balasuriya
Dr. Sepalika Jayamanne
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island , Colombo 15.
Dr. K. Arulanthan
Oceanography Division National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island , Colombo 15.
Mrs. C. Dissanayake
Marine Biological Resources Division National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island ,
Colombo 15.
Mrs. H. P. K. Hewapathiana
Ministry of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources,
5th Floor,
New Secretariat,
Colombo 10.
Dr. Sepalika Jayamanne
Inland Aquatic Resources & Aquaculture Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Vice President:
Prof. W.M.T.B. Wanninayake
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP).
Joint Secretary:
Dr. K. Arulanthan
Oceanography Division National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Joint Secretary:
Ms. G. J. Ganegama Arachchi
Post-Harvest Technology Division,
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15
Dr. U. P. K. Epa
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Executive Committee Members:
Prof. M.J.S. Wijeyaratne
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Dr.(Mrs.)M. D. Amarasinghe
Department of Botany
University of Kelaniya,
Dr. Champa Amarasiri
Marine Biological Resources Division, National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island , Colombo 15.
Dr. J. W. Rupasinghe
Department of Fisheries Biology,
University of Ruhuna, Matara
Dr. P. Vinobaba
Department of Chemistry,
University of Eastern Sri Lanka,
Mr. Terney Pradeep Kumara
Department of Fisheries Biology,
University of Ruhuna,
Prof. M.J.S. Wijeyaratne
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Vice President:
Dr.(Mrs.) M.Hettiarachchi
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Joint Secretary:
Dr. K. Arulanthan
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Joint Secretary:
Prof. U.S. Amarasinghe
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Dr.(Mrs.) M.D. Amarasinghe
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Executive Committee Members :
Mr. A. Hettiarachchi
Ministry of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources,
Colombo 10.
Mr. Aruna Dissanayake
Provincial Ministry of Fisheries,
North-Western Provincial Council,
Dr. J. W. Rupasinghe
Department of Fisheries Biology,
University of Ruhuna,
Mr. M. G. Kularatne
Department of Economics,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya.
Dr. T.B. Wanninayake
Department of Aquaculture & Fisheries,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP).
Prof. E.I.L. Silva
Institute of Fundamental Studies,
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Vice President:
Department of Zoology,
Open University,
Joint Secretary :
Mr. N. Sureshkumar
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Joint Secretary:
Dr.(Mrs.)M. Hettiarachchi
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Mr. Mahinda Kulatilake
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Executive Committee Members:
Mr.W. A. H.H.P Guruge
Department of Zoology,
University of Ruhuna,
Wellamadama, Matara
Dr.(Mrs.) C. Amarasiri
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Mr. S. R. Weerawardena
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Mr. A. Hettiarachchi
Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources Maligawatta,
Colombo 10.
Dr.(Mrs.) M.M. Kuruppu
Director/Enterprise services SEEDS(pvt.)Ltd,
Arthadharma Kendraya,
No. 45,
Rawatawatta Road,
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Vice President:
Department of Zoology,
Open University,
Joint Secretary :
Mr. N. Sureshkumar
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Joint Secretary:
Dr.(Mrs.)M. Hettiarachchi
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Mr. Mahinda Kulatilake
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Executive Committee Members:
Mr.W. A. H.H.P Guruge
Department of Zoology,
University of Ruhuna,
Wellamadama, Matara
Dr.(Mrs.) C. Amarasiri
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Mr. S. R. Weerawardena
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Mr. A. Hettiarachchi
Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources Maligawatta,
Colombo 10.
Dr.(Mrs.) M.M. Kuruppu
Director/Enterprise services SEEDS(pvt.)Ltd,
Arthadharma Kendraya,
No. 45,
Rawatawatta Road,
Mr. A. Hettiarachchie
Ministry of Fisheries & Ocean Resources,
Colombo 10.
Vice President:
Mr. G. Piyasena
Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources,
Colombo 10.
Joint Secretary :
Dr.(Mrs).S.C. Jayamanne
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Joint Secretary:
Dr.(Mrs) R. Maldeniya
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Dr. P. A. A. T. Jayawardena
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Executive Committee Members:
Mrs. D.N.de Silva
Department of Zoology,
University of Colombo,
Thurston Rd,
Colombo 03
Ms. K. B. C. Pushpalatha
National Aquaculture Development Authority No.11,
Mahawela Lane,
Colombo 09.
Mr. S. Thayaparan
Aqua Service (Pvt)Ltd,
Puttlam Road,
Mr. Mahinda Kulatilake
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Dr. D.S. Jayakody
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
Mr. P.U.I. Perera
National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency,
Crow Island, Colombo 15.
President :
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Vice President :
Department of Zoology,
Open University,
Joint Secretary :
Mr. N. Sureshkumar
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Mahinda Kulatilake
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Treasurer :
Mr. S. R. Weerawardena
Department of Zoology,
University of Kelaniya,
Executive Committee Members :
Mr. W. A. H. P.Guruge
Department of Zoology,
University of Ruhuna,
Dr. P. Vinobaba
Department of Zoology,
Eastern University ,,
Mr. Ranjith Edirisinghe
National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency,
Crow Island,
Colombo 15.
Prof. J. Jinadasa
Department of Zoology University of Sri Jayawardenapura,
President :Professor J. Jinadasa
Vice President :Mr. A. Hettiarachchi
Joint Secretary :Dr. A. De Alwis
Joint Secretary : Dr. P.Vinobaba
Treasurer : Mr. P.A.A.T. Jayawardene
Executive Committee Members :
Professor T.S.G. Fonseka
Dr. E.I.L. Silva
Dr. P.B. Amarasinghe
Mr. S.R. Weerawardhena
Mr. H.M. Palitha Kithsiri
Mr. D.A. Athukorala
President: Professor J. Jinadasa
Vice President: Mr. A. Hettiarachchi
Joint Secretary: Dr. A. De Alwis
Joint Secretary: Dr. P.Vinobaba
Treasurer: Mr. P.A.A.T. Jayawardene
Executive Committee Members: Professor T.S.G. Fonseka
Dr. E.I.L. Silva
Dr. P.B. Amarasinghe
Mr. S.R. Weerawardhena
Mr. H.M. Palitha Kithsiri
Mr. D.A. Athukorala
President: Dr.E.I.L.Silva
Vice President: Dr.Asoka Pathiratne
Joint Secretary: Professor U.S. Amarasinhe
Joint Secretary: Ms. E. S. Nathanael
Treasurer: Dr. P. B. Amarasinghe
Executive Committee Members: Dr. J.M.P.K.Jayasinghe
Dr.W.M.T.B. Wanninayake
Mr. H.P. Amamdakoon
Mr. A. Hettiarachchi
Mr. H.M.P. Kithsiri
Mr.D.A. Athukorala
President: Dr. J. M. P. K. Jayasinhe
Vice President: Mr. R.A.D.B. Samaranayake
Joint Secretary: Dr. M. M. Kuruppu
Joint Secretary: Dr. Mala Amarasinghe
Treasurer: Dr. W.M.T.B. Wannanayake
Executive Committee Members :
Dr. U. S. Amarasinhge
Dr. E.I.L. Silva
Mr. H.P. Amamdakoon
Ms. A. S. L. E. Corea
Mr. J. W. Rupasinghe
Mr. K. Tissera