Professor Sena S. De Silva Memorial Research Scholarship
2022/ 2023
Professor Sena S. De Silva Memorial Research Scholarship was established to honour the memory of Professor Sena S. De Silva who was an internationally renowned Sri Lankan fisheries and aquaculture scientist, who passed away on 6 May, 2020.
This scholarship will be awarded annually to cover registration fees of needy students who are currently engaged in a M.Phil or Ph.D. in the fields of fisheries, aquatic ecology, aquaculture, fisheries economics and Sociology.
To be considered for the Scholarship applicants should,
- be a Sri Lankan citizen, who has registered in a Sri Lankan university for an MPhil or PhD degree (evidence for active registration should be furnished).
- produce a letter of recommendation by the main supervisor.
- complete the application available on SLAFAR web site and submit with an essay of 500 words (maximum) describing your research, its national importance, and kind of support expected from SLAFAR; and
- produce a certificate from the principal supervisor that the candidate does not have any financial support to cover registration fee from any other source.
Once awarded, it is obligatory that the recipients must produce 6 months progress report and make a presentation to the SLAFAR Scholarship Committee. The Professor Sena S. De Silva Memorial Research Scholarship award is an outright grant. Scholarship recipients are expected to use their resources wisely and uphold a high standard of conduct. Although recipients are under no obligation to make repayment, it is awarded with the understanding that once graduated he/she would be engaged in a productive career in such a way he/she will help honour the memory of Professor Sena S. De Silva by giving future students a similar financial opportunity.
How to Apply:
- Applications should be submitted through an online application process.
- Applications can either be completed using the fillable pdf format, or printed out, completed, and then scanned.
- ALL required attachments, except letters of recommendation, must be submitted at the same time your application is submitted.
- DO NOT send materials separately. Only those applications filed online/submitted as a scanned document will be given consideration.
- Your complete application, including all attachments, can be sent via email to slafarcommittee@gmail.com with the name of the scholarship in the Subject line of your email before 1st May 2023. Letter of recommendation must be sent by mail and postmarked no later than 1st May 2023.
Application Requirements:
- Completed and signed application –emailed with required attachments by May 1st, 2023
- A brief description of research study and career goals.
- An essay must accompany your application. It must be typed, double spaced using 12 point, Times New Roman font and should be no more than 500 words.
Essay on: your dreams, goals, challenges and life choices including your research and its national importance. Describe why you should be considered for this scholarship, kind of support expected from SLAFAR and how it will help you pursue your dreams and goals.
One letter of reference of your principal supervisor.
Your application will be reviewed by members of the Scholarship Committee. Selection will be based on a student’s commitment to aquatic sciences, overall academic progress and involvement in extracurricular activities.
Finalists may be contacted for an interview. Students will be notified by email of any scholarship award or denial on or before May 5, 2023.
Remember! Keep a copy of your application for your records.
Questions? Call +94-11-2914479 or email slafar.committee@gmail.com
Email your completed application and all scanned attachments to slafar.committee@gmail.com
Deadline Extended Friday, April 21, 2023
May 01st 2023 | 5:00 PM MST
NOTE: Incomplete and late applications will be rejected.